Monday, August 23, 2010


The last time we did pictures of the Peavler cousins, there were three fewer children in the photo. It was kind of hectic to try to get five kids to look at the camera at once, so we may have excessively procrastinated as we added babies number six, seven, and eight into the family. As my mother-in-law's birthday approaches, we elected to give the grandkid photo shoot another college try. I did not capture everyone's eye contact or eight beautiful smiles, but I did capture eight adorable people who I have known and loved from their very first day of life. I know Grandma Deb will feel the same way. I hope she will be proud to hang one of these on her wall.

From left to right: Keaton, Molly, Brody, Tucker, Megan, Jaron, Madison, Lane